Supervised Students
This page summarizes the work done with my supervised students.
PhD Students:
- 2023 - Owen Le Gonidec, Securing RISC-V System-on-Chip against Energy-based
Attacks (co-supervised with Maria Méndez Real,
IETR, and Jean-Christophe Prévotet, INSA Rennes).
- 2021 - Amélie Marotta, Electromagnetic Injection Fault Models and
Countermeasures for RISC-V Soft FPGA Processors
(co-supervised with Ronan Lashermes, INRIA/LHS, Olivier Sentieys, INRIA/TARAN,
and Rachid Dafali, DGA-MI).
- 2020 - Vincent Giraud, Application security on uncontrolled systems: Study of the risks, protections, stakes and interests around trust in off-the-shelf computer products (co-supervised with David Naccache, ENS
- 2017-2021 - Thomas Trouchkine, SoC Physical Security Evaluation (co-led with Jessy Clédière, CEA/LETI).
PhD Juries
Jury Examiner
PhD Student’s Individual Thesis Monitoring Committee
Master Students
- 2022 - Louisa Malki-Haegel: Fingerprinting of Embedded Software Implementation.
- 2021 - Ever Atilano Rosales: Security of the Secure Boot against Fault Attacks (co-supervised with Arnaud De Grandmaison (ARM) and Karine Heydemann (Sorbonne University, LIP6). The internship is located at ARM Paris.
- 2020 - Yanis Belkheyar: Authenticated Disk Encryption (co-supervised with Louiza Kathi (ANSSI crypto team)).
- 2019 - Vincent Giraud: Secure Implementation of GlobalPlatform for Java Card Platform.
- 2017 - Thomas Trouchkine, Hardware Implementation of a Java Card Virtual Machine (co-supervised with Patrick Haddad).
- 2016 - Léo Gaspard, Implementation of a Secure Operating System for Java Card Smart Card.
- After his training period, Léo published the paper “Hardening a Java Card Virtual Machine Implementation with the MPU” at SSTIC 2018.
- 2017-2020 - Boris Simunovic, Security Analysis of the ISO-7816 Stack.
- His report is available here.
- He also developed:
- GitHub/ANSSI-FR/Open-ISO7816-Stack:
an open-source ISO7816 stack. This project aims to provide an open-source
implementation of the ISO7816-3 communication protocol from the reader
side. This protocol is ruling the interactions between a smartcard and a
card-reader when using its contacts to communicate.
- GitHub/ANSSI-FR/cardstalker: an
open-source bridge to fuzz smartcard ISO7816 stack implementation.
CardStalker provides a UART-driven smartcard reader at the
ISO7816-3) level (link and physical layer), where most of the smartcard
reader devices on the market are only providing an APDU interface
(application layer).